Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Attack of the Killer Swans

For my first post I didn't want any insane crazy story to start you off with. I have to keep those for a rainy day. I also can't give you a "That's nothing! One time, I went to the grocery store and they were out of bread" (here's looking at you Horse Whisperer). So I thought maybe I'd test the waters with something that I tried out this weekend at a conference.

This one comes from my European adventure back in 2006. I want to preface that I am a bit of an idiot and thought hey... you're 20 years old and a woman and the only other language you can sorta speak is Spanish... know what would be a GREAT idea? If you backpack around Europe by yourself with no real plans for two weeks... yea that's a fabulous idea. Turns out it actually isn't, it's sorta a terrible idea. I was in Europe by myself because there was a two and a half week window between my Study abroad in Luxembourg and Spain, but I couldn't miss this opportunity! As brilliant as this whole idea may have been- I am however, an idiot and I found myself stranded in Geneva. However lady luck struck when I made friends with a Canadian (Tara) and a Brit (Andrew), who were in the same situation, and we headed out to find a hostel.

After settling in we decide to head out to a world cup game at a local bar. The game was between Germany and Poland, and we happened to be at the German themed bar... of course my first reaction is... this should be fun! One thing leads to another and we all end up drinking quite a bit. Andrew and I are arguing with some Spanish guy who loves George W. Bush who is telling me I don't love my country enough and I had made best friends with a German Atsrophysics Professor (or so he said). Needless to say we had a great time and when Tara, Andrew and I left the bar we thought we should extend the night.

This brings me to the actual story, so we wonder up to Lake Geneva a beautiful tranquil lake with swans peacefully swimming near the edge. Of course Andrew and I thought 'hey, it's hot out- lets go swimming'. So we jump into Lake Geneva (clothes on of course, I am a lady) and we enjoy a quick swim. Well guess who did not like that... the swans did not! We see the swans swimming towards us and our first reaction is, beautiful creatures, let's admire them. Then they gain speed and no longer seem like the elegant and beautiful swan in swan lake, but a genetic mutant of Daffy Duck and a rabid Giraffe and they're only out for your blood. I was far more cautious than Andrew and luckily could escape before the swans did any real harm. Poor Andrew had swans coming at him front every angle, they squawked and bit at him with those bloody beaks. Andrew never made it out of the lake that night....

JK he did... he's fine :) He can never attend a wedding without a crippling fear of Swans though... poor guy

First Post

I've never really been one to do well with keeping blogs. I'm like a child in that aspect, I get a shiny new toy and at first it's fun and I want to play with it all day, everyday. Then after about a week I'm done with it (sorry about that Dollhouse I got when I was 8 mom! ). Well I've had some requests to start a blog detailing some of my life stories, so here it goes....

I'd say my first request (and most persistent) came from my mother. She's always been convinced that I attract crazy in my life, and I can't really say she's wrong. At first she insisted that I use a journal to detail my travels, run-ins with the Warrens and Williams of the world and everyday happenings. Well I'll be honest, that never worked out. Her next thought, along with the thought of a former coworker (let's call her D) was that I write a book chronicling these stories. Well honestly, a book is a lot of work and I'm not really down for that. A few of my coworkers suggested I try a blog, so here I am... Hello all 3 readers!!

A little about me... there's not much to say. I am a 20 something living in New York City working for a nonprofit (you might be thinking yea you.... and 20,000 others). I am a huge believer that stories and experiences can really shape a person, this is why I am always sharing my craziest of stories :) I'm not saying that my stories are better or more significant than anyone else's... they just are... JUST KIDDING. No but seriously, if you're ever bored and hulu is down feel free to read through. Just imagine me using the most CRAZY hand motions and sound effects when telling the stories. Also I tend to ramble and since this isn't a term paper I may write as I speak, sorry!

I hope you enjoy, but if you don't that little x in the upper right corner of your window will take care of that.