Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Brush with Comedy Fame

Ohhhh heyyyy Blog I completely forgot about- what's up? How have you been? Sad and neglected you say? oh well here's some blogging love....

I thought we'd kick things off with not so much a weird story but an OMG- did that really just happen? Rewind to about a few weeks ago, when my friend, let's call her M-Diddy, and I attended a benefit concert at the Bell House in Brooklyn for Japan Disaster Relief. It was a normal Tuesday night, and the show consisted of a few comedians and bands (we went to see the band Ra Ra Riot). We got there pretty early, and saw that they had added the comedian/actor Zach Galifianakis to the roster. Our reaction was... sweet!

Since we got there pretty early, we stood in the front row of the venue (the primary reason for this was so that we could place our beers on the stage- priorities people!) and settled in for the evening. A few comedians came on, and well, we weren't fond of them- but then Zach came on to stage. He did a few bits about Kate Middleton (Royal Wedding Fever!!!) and various other things. Then you could tell that he was done, and they then informed him he still had more time before the band was coming on- after that I see him walking towards me and saying "Ma'am come on stage" pointing directly at me. My immediate reaction was WHAT?!?! and then I got on stage.

And so begins Zach Galifianakis's interview with me. He asks me general questions about things like name, where I live etc. Then he asks me what I do for a living. As some of you may know, the type of work I do, is not exactly comedy material, in fact it is very serious and really can't be made fun of. Because of this, I do the run around about my job and here is roughly how it goes:

Z: So Colleen, What do you do?
C: I work for a nonprofit
Z: *makes a few jokes about me being a good person, to which I reply, yea, not so much*
Z: So, what capacity do you work for a nonprofit?
C: Fundraising and event planning
Z: Ok, ok so what kind of nonprofit do you work for?
C: Mental Health
Z: oh perfect- the crazy people, I'm crazy can you help me? *makes a few jokes about being crazy*
Z: so Colleen, what type of Mental health nonprofit?
C: It's really depressing
Z: Just tell me, it's ok
C: Suicide Prevention
**Enter room goes quiet, and his face is like ohhhh crap**

and in conclusion, I am the ultimate Debbie Downer.